By Hinan Ali
Rothbard, one of my most cherished personalities said something
quite intriguing: "Every religious cult has two sets of differing and
distinctive creeds: the exoteric and the esoteric. The exoteric creed is
the official, public doctrine, the creed which attracts the acolyte in
the first place and brings him into the movement as a rank-and-file
member. The quite different creed is the unknown, hidden agenda, a creed
which is known only to its full extent by the top leadership, the 'high
priests' of the cult."
The sad thing I have to remind myself is
that this is not true just of religions, but of societies, ideologies,
customs, traditions, habits, and the very simplest of the approaches of
ordinary human beings. I have always felt the need to discern the
esoteric nature of things. It gives me ineffable joy whenever I succeed.
Why is it that people in our own society keep blabbering about the girl
who eloped, about their neighbor's child who flunked tests, about an
old woman whose son abandoned her? I ask myself - 'Do the actually feel
that sense of regret they keep showing off?' Do they want to share
others' suffering? Or do they do this just to palliate that deep remorse
they might feel if they kept their mouths shut? Ponder over it a little
more, get closer to the roots. Don't most of these seemingly caring
people derive pleasure out of it? One man's suffering is another man's
happiness - I have always believed this to be true.
Yes, as long
as we confuse sacrifice with greatness and egoism with vanity, we'll
continue to believe in the exoteric nature of things as they are
presented to us by people who do not scruple to lie about them.
Teenagers get admitted to a college in the name of a noble pursuit of
knowledge, but in the end all they have is that sacrosanct piece of
paper - their degrees. Most of what they learnt there has already been
forgotten. But who cares? They're successful graduates, worthy of
respect! The problem is not just here. Even our great policy makers,
leaders, and think-tanks don't feel the need to analyze and discard the
fallacies that have become a new orthodoxy. They ignore elementary
truths for personal gains. There are men regarded today as brilliant
economists who promulgate increased taxation for attaining national
prosperity. Doesn't anyone care to ask them how a government is capable
of creating wealth by spending without destroying it by imposing taxes
to pay for that spending? Yet people believe in the success of
social-welfare schemes, they rejoice whenever the government announces
setting up of a new public school in their locality. How can we be so
dewy-eyed not to observe and question such a dichotomy?
I turned
to objectivism some years backs and found this philosophy largely
consistent. Expectedly, an objectivist is supposed to be unconcerned
about unearned things - unearned benefits, unearned pride, unearned
praise, and so on. Yet a friend of mine keeps on telling me that he has
read 'The Fountainhead' five times. There again you can notice the
esoteric agenda behind the exoteric veil. More than the philosophical
ideals Rand taught him, he is much more concerned about whether people
notice how many times he has read her books or not!
I don't think
it is so hard to notice this dichotomy. All it takes is some use of the
grey cells stacked up inside our heads. Take any example. India
celebrated its 62nd "Independence Day" this month. People of this nation
pretended as if they enjoy basic freedoms and wished one another
mass-delusional greetings of Independence Day. I don't know what to make
of the terms like "India got independence", "We are free", etc. I think
the right question to be asked is - "Are we free?" Next - 'Raksha
Bandhan', that time of the year when brothers vow to protect their
sisters against evil. To me such festivals are an attempt by the
patriarchal society to make us believe that women are weaker than men.
Why not instead have a festival celebrating freedom and fairness in
society? In a free society why would sisters need protection?
exoteric-esoteric dichotomy is well marked in our Kashmiri society as
well. A love marriage is considered no less than a sin here. Some time
back the Grand Mufti of this valley issued a 'fatwa' against an all-girl
teenage rock band. One may think - 'What's new with this?' After all
giving fatwas is so commonplace these days. However it takes more than a
cursory effort to analyze these things. Why was a fatwa issued only for
those three little girls? Why not for the countless singers and
male-bands before? To grab headlines and make him feel a little more
important? Secondary to mention that he was caught enjoying a musical
evening in a houseboat some months later
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