By Gabriel Agbo
God honors covenants. We can forget, we might stop believing, but
God will always watch over His promises to bring them to pass. Divine
covenants are always trans-generational. They are not just performing on
you, but will outlive you to speak for your future generations. True! I
know this very well because I am a product of one; where God tells a
young lady that when she gets married that her first issue will be a
male child, and that he will do great things for the kingdom. And after
about thirty years, even when the child is not aware of such agreement,
the covenant begins to speak and perform exactly as God said. God's
words are powerful, sharp, eternal and faithful. Time, circumstances,
opposition do not stop them.
He said that forever He shall be
known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is consistent. He is
constant. He is faithful. And that simply means that if He did not fail
these people, He will certainly also not fail you. Now, we have to
briefly try to look at the way He walked with these three so that we can
be able to appreciate what we are saying here. We can comfortably say
that Abraham was in confusion and frustration when God first met him in
Haran. First, he had lost his youngest brother called Haran. The guy
died prematurely. The bible said that he died very young at his place of
birth. I pray that our lives, joy and visions will not be terminated
prematurely in the name of Jesus!
Secondly, his wife Sarah was
barren. Abraham was about seventy-five years old without any issue and
no solution at sight. Childlessness is always a very difficult
experience, especially to those that value family. Nothing substitutes
the desire to have children. You can go and ask Hannah, Rebekah, Rachel,
etc. In fact, Rachel once shouted to Jacob, "Give me children, or I'll
die." Hannah wept, was humiliated and will refuse to eat because she had
no child. Barrenness is something that one will not even wish his
enemies. So, Abraham and Sarah were in that condition. As I write this, I
am watching on our national television network the thanksgiving of a
couple who had their first baby after seventeen years! Come and see joy
unlimited. Every barrenness, every unproductivenss in your life will be
broken today. Thirdly, Terah, Abraham's father took them to go to Canaan
(the Promised Land), but settled on the way and later died there. He
never reached his destination. His vision and hope were aborted. As you
read this, everything that will try to stop your destiny on the way will
be stop by God.
All these challenges were before Abraham when God
suddenly spoke to him, "Leave your country, your relatives, and your
father's house, and go to the land I will show you. I will cause you to
become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make you
famous, and I will make you a blessing to others. I will bless those who
bless you and will curse those who curse you. All the families of the
earth will be blessed through you." Gen 12:1-3. My God! He is speaking
to you now. We will continue next week, God bless you.
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