Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gregory Yates lawyer

Believe me, I've read more than a few excellent books on real estate investing and real estate law, But I am a better Gregory Yates lawyer And dirt than someone who a decade ago was due to practice, practice and more practice. It is just no substitute for experience. Period. How to do this if you have a quick and easy solution, we will do it all. Go to the next, learning to deal with your life and you're (hopefully) all the time more. Gregory Yates Attorney

Gregory Yates lawyer

Believe me, I've read more than a few excellent books on real estate investing and real estate law, But I am a better Gregory Yates lawyer i tipus de brutícia que jo era deu anys a causa de la pràctica, pràctica i més pràctica. Hi ha només substitut per experiència. Període. Si hi ha una solució ràpida i fàcil per com fer això, vols tots ho fem. Seva vida, s'aprèn, passar a la següent oferta i (amb sort) millor cada vegada.Gregori Yates Attorney

Monday, October 21, 2013

How to win an election

I have to confess, as a blogger I have always loved city elections the most. Yea, they aren't as fun in terms of policy as state and federal elections where I can feed my inner wonk, but everyone loves a good train wreck. And candidates for city elections have a tendency to be walking train wrecks. Its the place where the ankle-biters, weirdos, nutcases, and the eccentric try their hand a politics. But since this is the holiday season, I feel like being generous so I'll tell you exactly How to win an election in this town. This is a total freebie people. And don't worry, I'm not giving away the nuclear launch codes here. I'm just telling you what has worked for WINNING campaigns. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why You Should Still Buy Physical Books

By Penny P. Lee

Physical books are gradually being phased out in favor of ebooks, which are downloaded onto and read from thin electronic tablets. While it is great that people are reading at all, it is a shame that paper books are no longer fashionable. Many people in the field of literature are working to bring physical books to the forefront once again.
Tablets have become popular because they appear to be convenient. People love the idea of having a whole library that is accessible with the touch of a finger. However, building this sort of library requires a significant upfront cost. Tablets are not cheap. Electronic books are slightly less expensive than physical ones, but one would have to buy hundreds of ebooks before the money saved would fully absorb the initial cost of the tablet. Savvy readers who buy physical books online often find books that are cheaper than ebooks. One cannot make the switch to ebooks with the goal of saving money.
Another problem with tablets is that they break. Like smart phones, ebook tablets are notorious for having screens that shatter easily. It is very common to see someone reading an ebook around cracks in the tablet's screen. Some models have glossy screens that create huge glares, disrupting the reading process, though some companies have begun to use a matte finish on their screens. Whatever minor inconveniences physical books were perceived to pose have now been replaced with a whole new set of annoyances.
Academics dislike ebooks for several reasons. First of all, one cannot highlight phrases or write in an ebook. It is impossible to quickly flip to an appendix or skip to footnotes. Tablets eliminate the fluidity of the reading process as it has been taught up to this point. Turning pages and feeling paper is part of the experience of reading a book. Everyone knows what it is like to make creases in a book's spine for the first time. A small sense of pride comes from having made it through a book and left one's mark on it.
Books become heirlooms that are passed down through generations. As new editions are published and different cover art is printed, an old book increases in value. It also becomes an object of curiosity. Old books have a certain mystique about them. It is fascinating to look through a book that someone else has owned and look for notations or drawings. These little messages from a book's past owner contribute to a book's character. An ebook cannot be shared with others in the same way.
It is unclear how ebooks will factor into early childhood education. Children who use tablets are receiving a kind of education that their parents did not, but they are missing out on the tactile experience of turning a book's pages. Books for children are manufactured to contain different textures and pop-up features that cannot be mimicked in an ebook. Time will tell whether children suffer for not having this particular experience.
The main argument against ebooks is similar to the larger argument against people's growing dependence on technology. A book is not something that can only be enjoyed through an expensive electronic device. Some things should be left in their purest forms, and a book is one of those things.

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (2)

By Gabriel Agbo

God honors covenants. We can forget, we might stop believing, but God will always watch over His promises to bring them to pass. Divine covenants are always trans-generational. They are not just performing on you, but will outlive you to speak for your future generations. True! I know this very well because I am a product of one; where God tells a young lady that when she gets married that her first issue will be a male child, and that he will do great things for the kingdom. And after about thirty years, even when the child is not aware of such agreement, the covenant begins to speak and perform exactly as God said. God's words are powerful, sharp, eternal and faithful. Time, circumstances, opposition do not stop them.
He said that forever He shall be known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is consistent. He is constant. He is faithful. And that simply means that if He did not fail these people, He will certainly also not fail you. Now, we have to briefly try to look at the way He walked with these three so that we can be able to appreciate what we are saying here. We can comfortably say that Abraham was in confusion and frustration when God first met him in Haran. First, he had lost his youngest brother called Haran. The guy died prematurely. The bible said that he died very young at his place of birth. I pray that our lives, joy and visions will not be terminated prematurely in the name of Jesus!
Secondly, his wife Sarah was barren. Abraham was about seventy-five years old without any issue and no solution at sight. Childlessness is always a very difficult experience, especially to those that value family. Nothing substitutes the desire to have children. You can go and ask Hannah, Rebekah, Rachel, etc. In fact, Rachel once shouted to Jacob, "Give me children, or I'll die." Hannah wept, was humiliated and will refuse to eat because she had no child. Barrenness is something that one will not even wish his enemies. So, Abraham and Sarah were in that condition. As I write this, I am watching on our national television network the thanksgiving of a couple who had their first baby after seventeen years! Come and see joy unlimited. Every barrenness, every unproductivenss in your life will be broken today. Thirdly, Terah, Abraham's father took them to go to Canaan (the Promised Land), but settled on the way and later died there. He never reached his destination. His vision and hope were aborted. As you read this, everything that will try to stop your destiny on the way will be stop by God.
All these challenges were before Abraham when God suddenly spoke to him, "Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's house, and go to the land I will show you. I will cause you to become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and I will make you a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and will curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you." Gen 12:1-3. My God! He is speaking to you now. We will continue next week, God bless you.

Why Extraterrestrial Life Could Be a Huge Threat

By Ben P Poulton

It practically takes no genetic difference for us to be like ants to another intelligent species. The difference in DNA between a human and a chimpanzee is less than 2%. In other words, we are over 98% chimpanzee.
I for one am completely fascinated about the prospect of other intelligent life existing in the universe. The immense size of space itself is more than enough for most people to comprehend that there is no way we humans, and all life on earth, is it. Recent discoveries on Mars by the Curiosity rover point to evidence of water once being present on the planet, and where there is water, there is almost always life.
So how would an extraterrestrial civilisation impact our way of life?
Movies have always so famously portrayed "aliens" as monsters, or beings with general bad intentions. I doubt this would be the case. You would imagine, that a civilisation that has mastered space travel and made it to Earth, would be so intellectually advanced that to us, their technology and pure capabilities would be like magic. I also believe that a civilisation that has reached this point would have evolved past the primitive war like nature that humans still carry.
For those that have watched the second Star Trek movie, Into Darkness, you will recollect the opening scene where the space ship lifts up out of the water, and the native civilization deify what they saw. This is a concept know as "Cargo Cult". The most recent occurrences of this would be in World War 2, when Allied troops landing in the Pacific Islands where deified by the natives, as to them, what they were witnessing was beyond anything they understood.
The point of this reference is to outline, in only 150 years, the human race has gone from riding on horse back, to sending people into space. Now imagine a civilisation that is only 150 years ahead of us. The difference in technology could be phenomenal, rendering our capabilities useless.
Chimpanzees can't play the piano, speak or write books. Humans can, and there is only less than 2% of our genetic makeup which allows this incredible difference in ability. Think about that.
Imagine an alien intelligence only being 2% more improved than us. We would be the chimps. This is one major reason why many people, such as Stephen Hawkings, suggest that we avoid any attempt in making contact with alien lifeforms. As to any being that is just so slightly ahead of us, we would be like ants

The Exoteric-Esoteric Dichotomy

By Hinan Ali

Rothbard, one of my most cherished personalities said something quite intriguing: "Every religious cult has two sets of differing and distinctive creeds: the exoteric and the esoteric. The exoteric creed is the official, public doctrine, the creed which attracts the acolyte in the first place and brings him into the movement as a rank-and-file member. The quite different creed is the unknown, hidden agenda, a creed which is known only to its full extent by the top leadership, the 'high priests' of the cult."
The sad thing I have to remind myself is that this is not true just of religions, but of societies, ideologies, customs, traditions, habits, and the very simplest of the approaches of ordinary human beings. I have always felt the need to discern the esoteric nature of things. It gives me ineffable joy whenever I succeed. Why is it that people in our own society keep blabbering about the girl who eloped, about their neighbor's child who flunked tests, about an old woman whose son abandoned her? I ask myself - 'Do the actually feel that sense of regret they keep showing off?' Do they want to share others' suffering? Or do they do this just to palliate that deep remorse they might feel if they kept their mouths shut? Ponder over it a little more, get closer to the roots. Don't most of these seemingly caring people derive pleasure out of it? One man's suffering is another man's happiness - I have always believed this to be true.
Yes, as long as we confuse sacrifice with greatness and egoism with vanity, we'll continue to believe in the exoteric nature of things as they are presented to us by people who do not scruple to lie about them. Teenagers get admitted to a college in the name of a noble pursuit of knowledge, but in the end all they have is that sacrosanct piece of paper - their degrees. Most of what they learnt there has already been forgotten. But who cares? They're successful graduates, worthy of respect! The problem is not just here. Even our great policy makers, leaders, and think-tanks don't feel the need to analyze and discard the fallacies that have become a new orthodoxy. They ignore elementary truths for personal gains. There are men regarded today as brilliant economists who promulgate increased taxation for attaining national prosperity. Doesn't anyone care to ask them how a government is capable of creating wealth by spending without destroying it by imposing taxes to pay for that spending? Yet people believe in the success of social-welfare schemes, they rejoice whenever the government announces setting up of a new public school in their locality. How can we be so dewy-eyed not to observe and question such a dichotomy?
I turned to objectivism some years backs and found this philosophy largely consistent. Expectedly, an objectivist is supposed to be unconcerned about unearned things - unearned benefits, unearned pride, unearned praise, and so on. Yet a friend of mine keeps on telling me that he has read 'The Fountainhead' five times. There again you can notice the esoteric agenda behind the exoteric veil. More than the philosophical ideals Rand taught him, he is much more concerned about whether people notice how many times he has read her books or not!
I don't think it is so hard to notice this dichotomy. All it takes is some use of the grey cells stacked up inside our heads. Take any example. India celebrated its 62nd "Independence Day" this month. People of this nation pretended as if they enjoy basic freedoms and wished one another mass-delusional greetings of Independence Day. I don't know what to make of the terms like "India got independence", "We are free", etc. I think the right question to be asked is - "Are we free?" Next - 'Raksha Bandhan', that time of the year when brothers vow to protect their sisters against evil. To me such festivals are an attempt by the patriarchal society to make us believe that women are weaker than men. Why not instead have a festival celebrating freedom and fairness in society? In a free society why would sisters need protection?
The exoteric-esoteric dichotomy is well marked in our Kashmiri society as well. A love marriage is considered no less than a sin here. Some time back the Grand Mufti of this valley issued a 'fatwa' against an all-girl teenage rock band. One may think - 'What's new with this?' After all giving fatwas is so commonplace these days. However it takes more than a cursory effort to analyze these things. Why was a fatwa issued only for those three little girls? Why not for the countless singers and male-bands before? To grab headlines and make him feel a little more important? Secondary to mention that he was caught enjoying a musical evening in a houseboat some months later

Hippie Days

By Christopher P Bassler

When I was growing up, one of my favorite programs was "Happy Days". With a funny twist on everything, the program focuses on a generation that was my fathers' time. Now that I am a grandfather I'm looking back at my youth and my "hippie days".
When I first met any hippies I was a jock in high school. That's what we used to call the guys that were into playing sports. I had very short hair and a lettermans jacket. Truly represented the jocks very well. Since at first I didn't understand much about hippies I thought they were weird and not one of us.
Over time I met more and more guys with long hair and girls with flowers in theirs. I talked with them and listened to them and found I agreed with their views. It wasn't hard. We were at war in Vietnam and how we stood on that subject was a huge issue. Do we side with our government and sign up to fight or do we want to represent peace and love and no war? At the time it seemed like a no brainer.
I started to let my hair grow and it was amazing how fast things started to change. I very quickly started making new friends. At the time I didn't realize what was happening. Now I do. I had joined a brotherhood. A common cause that the young people were uniting with. Every long hair person or colorful dressed girl was my friend. It was just the beginning of my "hippie days".
After graduation I started traveling for what turned out to be several years. I was lucky enough to go all over this world at a much more peaceful time. I soon learned that the hippie thing was going strong everywhere. I found brothers and sisters in every country. This is what we called ourselves and this was what I was feeling at the time. Strangers taking us in and giving us food and fun. I once met two hippies traveling together and one was Indian the other Pakistani. This was very cool because they're countries had been at war many times over the years. They had joined the side of peace and brotherhood. It made me proud to be a part of this global movement.
Being on the side of peace and brotherhood had challenges. People were either for you or against you. Those that were against you could be pretty unpredictable. I was fortunate enough to have only a couple of problems while hitchhiking in the United States. In LA a guy stuck his head out of his car and yelled "freak" and threw an egg that hit me in the chest. In Vermont I had a police officer threaten to beat me up and leave me behind some barn "if your not careful". I heard much worse stories from friends. We got a first hand education on how minorities were treated.
Now that those years are long gone I look back on how special they really were. Our world has gotten more dangerous and paranoid. The call for peace and love between people can hardly be heard any more. The feelings of separateness has grown between people and nations.
I was hoping now that the hippies are in office and in positions to help, they would help bring our world together. Many may be trying now but fear is the current gauge when thinking of traveling the world.
For me, my hippie days were my happy days. I was proud then as I am proud now to have been part of it.
I am Christopher Bassler and I traveled all over the world in the early seventies. I made two trips over land from Europe to India. I eventually settled on Guam and spent 40 years living there. I became a Dive Master and had my USCG 100 ton captain's license for 20 years. I was a marine technician and the Chairman of the Dive Safety Control Board at the University of Guam for several years